Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Holidays, or Kwanzaa, or Whatever!!

It's been a busy month creating personalized gifts for customers. It's fun to design and create something so special that will be given to loved ones. This year I've done a lot of necklaces, which are my favorites. Below are some examples.
One of my other favorite things to do is to try to come up with designs that use the tools I have. Sure, I could have bought a snowman design stamp, but what fun would that be? Not as fun as this!
Or this....
And once in a while my snarky side takes over and I get all crazy and create items like this. I created the below items because I don't think Holiday greetings should be a debate. If someone came up to me and said Happy Kwanzaa or Happy Hanukkah I'd happily return the greeting. I wouldn't complain that it was inappropriate or care that I'm not of African American or Jewish decent. So to celebrate the holiday season here are some politically correct snarky items....
And with that I'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season, a Merry Christmas or a Merry f-ing whatever!! Stay safe.

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